Friday, May 1, 2009

... and this one is large


  1. Great picture. Just wanted to say I only found your site today and it’s a lot of fun. Love the beach photos. I would like to live at the beach, but I write a London based crafty e-zine and blog named Extremely Crafty Ideas at Would love to hear what you think. I’m planning on featuring card making in an upcoming issue.

  2. Hi Irene thanks for popping in to say hello on my blog.
    I have been thinking about you with all this awful weather around so hope you are staying dry and safe.
    I am not doing heaps of scrapping. I am in a few ATC swaps and really having fun with them.
    Love this new blog. I love the beach not a country person.
    How is the Caravan park hope you are enjoying life there. Lv ann xx
